Letters from SammiesLetters Home-, Wayne Camp Merrit, NJ8101918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElections--ACH, Abner  1111918Peru Journalimage
Peru Industry Is Successful With US ContractsProgress: refrigerationADER, Harry  8311918Peru Journalimage
Grace Ainsworth Expires at Hospital Friday morningobituariesAINSWORTH, Grace  891918Peru Journalimage
Grace Ainsworth Expires at Hospital Friday morningobituariesAINSWORTH, Naicissa  891918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeALTMAN, HarryPrivate Co C 116 Field SignalFrance10281918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeALTMAN, HarryPrivate Co C 116 Field SignalFrance10281918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsANDREWS, M E  1111918Peru Journalimage
Former Miami County Boy in Casualty Listdoughboys: gold starsANTROBUS, Carl Winamac, IN9111918Peru Journalimage
Former Miami County Boy in Casualty Listdoughboys: gold starsANTROBUS, JeromeCo H 39th Infantry 4th DivisionFrance9111918Peru Journalimage
Former Miami County Boy in Casualty Listdoughboys: gold starsANTROBUS, Jesse  9111918Peru Journalimage
Former Miami County Boy in Casualty Listdoughboys: gold starsANTROBUS, Mary Winamac, IN9111918Peru Journalimage
Former Miami County Boy in Casualty Listdoughboys: gold starsANTROBUS, Ora  9111918Peru Journalimage
Former Miami County Boy in Casualty Listdoughboys: gold starsANTROBUS, Roy Winamac, IN9111918Peru Journalimage
Former Miami County Boy in Casualty Listdoughboys: gold starsANTROBUS, Spencer Winamac, IN9111918Peru Journalimage
Automobile Recovered By OwnerCircus: thiefARLINGTON, Victor  11201918Peru Journalimage
Organization Formed of War MothersWomen: War MothersARNETT, H A Mrs.  11201918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsARNOLD, Leroy O  1111918Peru Journalimage
Chaplin Arnold May Visit Peru Next weekVisitARNOLD, WIlliam RChaplainCamp Taylor, KY891918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeARRINGTON, Annie  8301918Peru Journalimage
Peru Boy Gives Life on Battle Field of Francedoughboys: gold starsAYERS, E Cedarburg, WI931918Peru Journalimage
Peru Boy Gives Life on Battle Field of Francedoughboys: gold starsAYERS, Lethia Cedarburg, WI931918Peru Journalimage
Peru Boy Gives Life on Battle Field of Francedoughboys: gold starsAYERS, Riley (George R)Co B 47th InfantryFrance931918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsBAER, Genevieve  8231918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsBAGGS, Dan  1111918Peru Journalimage
Three Peru Boys in Recent BattleLetters HomeBAHNEY, Henry  11251918Peru Journalimage
Three Peru Boys in Recent BattleLetters HomeBAHNEY, PaulEngineers CorpFrance11251918Peru Journalimage
Will they use these grips to hold an Enfield RifleSports: in the militaryBAKER, Frankbaseball 8241918Peru Journalimage
Colored Folk Entertainment at Moose HallDoughboys: departure celebrationBAKER, Ruben  8241918Peru Journalimage
Cornfield Obstructs View of RoadAccidentBALDWIN, Dr  891918Peru Journalimage
Albert Barnum receives PromotionDoughboys: promotionBARNUM, AlbertChief Signal Electrician 309th Field Signal Bn 884th DivisionCamp Sherman, Chilicothe, OH8131918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfBARRETT  6281918Peru Journalimage
Enlisted in NavyEnlistedBARTHOLOMEW, Orla Great Lakes Training Station, IL8211918Peru Journalimage
Enlisted in NavyEnlistedBARTHOLOMEW, Royal Fort Barrances, FL8211918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsBARTON, Florence  8231918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsBARTON, Gertrude  8231918Peru Journalimage
Letter From Peruvian Now in IrelandLetters HomeBEARSS, Mike  7291918Peru Journalimage
Letter From Peruvian Now in IrelandLetters HomeBEARSS, Mike  7291918Peru Journalimage
Colored Folk Entertainment at Moose HallDoughboys: departure celebrationBELL, Mrs.  8241918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsBELL, PLeasant L  1111918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeBENDER, Bert M28th Aero Sqdn AEFFrance791918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeBENDER, Bert M  721918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesBENNUTHAN, Mary  891918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918BERGER, Frederick Pearl  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918BERGER, Frederick Pearl  7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918BERGER, Freferick Pearl Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Letters from YanksLetters HomeBERGMAN, ARTHUR  1181918Peru Journalimage
Lieut. Bergman Graduates from Aerial SchoolGraduationBERGMAN, Arthur1st LtSelfridge field, Mt Clemens, MI891918Peru Journalimage
Lieutenant Bergman Has Good System for Slipping into LinesDoughboys: visit homeBERGMAN, Arthur  861918Peru Journalimage
Arrived Safely OverseasarrivedBETTERS, FredEngineers CorpsFrance1181918Peru Journalimage
Walter Betzner Listed in Mon. Casualty Listwar: woundedBETZNER, Walter8th Machine Gun BattalionCamp Green, NC9211918Peru Journalimage
Peru Boy Reported Recovering from Machin Gun Woundwar: woundedBIDLER, A E  9211918Peru Journalimage
Peru Boy Reported Recovering from Machin Gun Woundwar: woundedBIDLER, DaleCo K 126th InfantryFrance9211918Peru Journalimage
Private Charles Bohn Victim of Influenza at Camp Taylordoughboys: gold starsBLACKBURN, Dan Randolph County10111918Peru Journalimage
Private Charles Bohn Victim of Influenza at Camp Taylordoughboys: gold starsBLACKBURN, Pearl  10111918Peru Journalimage
Official Figures of Peru Township VoteElectionsBLAIR, J J  11121918Peru Journalimage
Pioneer Citizen Dies MondayobituariesBLAIR, J J Mrs.  10141918Peru Journalimage
Colored Folk Entertainment at Moose HallDoughboys: departure celebrationBLANKS, Geo W  8241918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsBLOUNT, F C Dr.  8231918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsBLOUNT, R F Dr.  8231918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsBLOUNT, R F Dr. Wabash, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Private Charles Bohn Victim of Influenza at Camp Taylordoughboys: gold starsBOHN, Albert Clay township10111918Peru Journalimage
Private Charles Bohn Victim of Influenza at Camp Taylordoughboys: gold starsBOHN, Charles Camp Taylor, KY10111918Peru Journalimage
Robinson Shows Are DOing Good in this StateCircus: Robinson ShowsBOWERS, Bert  8221918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsBOWMAN, Ellis Mt Aetna, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Young Peruvian Tells of France InterestinglyLetters HomeBOWMAN, Reginald Porter1st Lieut. Engrs. USA Care of Chief of Gas ServiceFrance11201918Peru Journalimage
Young Peruvian Tells of France InterestinglyLetters HomeBOWMAN, Reginald Porter1st Lieut. Engrs. USA Care of Chief of Gas ServiceFrance11201918Peru Journalimage
Official Figures of Peru Township VoteElectionsBRADLEY, Frank  11121918Peru Journalimage
Another Peru Boy Killed in Big OffensiveDoughboys: Gold StarsBRADY, RobertCanadian armyWabash, IN8221918Peru Journalimage
Private Brady Lost Life in Noyon BattleWar: casualtiesBRADY, Robert  8231918Peru Journalimage
Peru Boy Instructor; Ordered to Floridagoing over thereBRAINARD, Frank  6271918Peru Journalimage
Peru Boy Instructor; Ordered to Floridagoing over thereBRAINARD, WIlliamchief machinist mateFL6271918Peru Journalimage
Peru Industry Is Successful With US ContractsProgress: refrigerationBREWER, S S  8311918Peru Journalimage
Colored NotesFarewell to soldiersBRIGHT, Henry  8251918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfBROWN  6281918Peru Journalimage
Enlisted in the NavyenlistedBROWN, C E Peru, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Enlisted in the NavyenlistedBROWN, Irvan V Great Lakes Naval Station, IL8231918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeBROWN, M WCorporalCamp Humphreys, VA881918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeBROWN, Noah Peru, IN881918Peru Journalimage
Soldiers Will Be Cared For in this cityPublic BathsBROWNELL, C H Peru, IN811918Peru Journalimage
Selected Men Instructed by County BoardDraft: instructions before leavingBRUCE, Iseral (Isaiah) Fort Dodge, Iowa8211918Peru Journalimage
Colored NotesFarewell to soldiersBRUCE, Isiah  8251918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918BRUELL, Elise Raymond Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918BRUELL, Elise Raymond Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfBRUNER  6281918Peru Journalimage
Another Peru Boy Killed in Big OffensiveDoughboys: Gold StarsBUNDY, (Victoria) Wabash, IN8221918Peru Journalimage
Private Brady Lost Life in Noyon BattleWar: casualtiesBUNDY, Matilda Wabash, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
no titledoughboysBURKE, Elsworth Great Lakes Training School, IL811918Peru Journalimage
Official Figures of Peru Township VoteElectionsBURKE, John  11121918Peru Journalimage
Patrick Burke Dies Suddenly Monday MornobituariesBURKE, Michael  8121918Peru Journalimage
Patrick Burke Dies Suddenly Monday MornobituariesBURKE, Patrick  8121918Peru Journalimage
Patrick Burke Dies Suddenly Monday MornobituariesBURKE, Tessie  8121918Peru Journalimage
Will they use these grips to hold an Enfield RifleSports: in the militaryBURNS, Geobaseball 8241918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesBURNS, Jesse Peru, IN11251918Peru Journalimage
Colored Folk Entertainment at Moose HallDoughboys: departure celebrationBUTLER, Homer  8241918Peru Journalimage
Double Marriage CeremonyweddingBUTT, George  8211918Peru Journalimage
Double Marriage CeremonyweddingBUTT, Omer  8211918Peru Journalimage
Double Marriage CeremonyweddingBUTT, Ruth M  8211918Peru Journalimage
Arrived Safely OverseasarrivedBYERS, William  1181918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesCAMPBELL, Robert Mrs.  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesCAMPBELL, Robert Mrs.  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesCAMPBELL, Robert Mrs.  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesCAMPBELL, Robert Mrs.  9161918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesCANNON, Eugene C Detroit, MI851918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesCANNON, J F Peru, IN851918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesCANNON, Jeaness Detroit, MI851918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsCARLSON, Edward A  1111918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsCASPER, Jacob  1111918Peru Journalimage
Former Peru Man DIes at Camp Uptondoughboys: gold starsCASSADY, EverettSergeant Co L 3rd Dev BatteryCamp Upton, NY1031918Peru Journalimage
Letter From Peruvian Now in IrelandLetters HomeCHAMBERLAIN, Dick  7291918Peru Journalimage
Letter From Peruvian Now in IrelandLetters HomeCHAMBERLAIN, Dick  7291918Peru Journalimage
Organization Formed of War MothersWomen: War MothersCHAMBERLAIN, G R Mrs.  11201918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfCHARTERS  6281918Peru Journalimage
Official Figures of Peru Township VoteElectionsCHARTERS, S M  11121918Peru Journalimage
deathsobituariesCHARTERS, Samuel C  8221918Peru Journalimage
deathsobituariesCHARTERS, WIlliam  8221918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesCLARK, J W  811918Peru Journalimage
Selected Men Instructed by County BoardDraft: instructions before leavingCLARK, Sam Fort Dodge, Iowa8211918Peru Journalimage
Peru Men Leave for Camp Grant Tuesday MornLeft 1 September 1918CLARK, Samuel Camp Custer, MI931918Peru Journalimage
Colored Folk Entertainment at Moose HallDoughboys: departure celebrationCLAUGHTON, GW  8241918Peru Journalimage
Tablet in the Memory of the Miami Co. BoysDoughboys: Gold StarsCLIFFORD, Morris Peru, IN8221918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesCLORSON, George Mrs. Indianapolis, IN8191918Peru Journalimage
Will they use these grips to hold an Enfield RifleSports: in the militaryCOBB, Tybaseball 8241918Peru Journalimage
Guest of SistervisitCOCKLEY, Charles Washington DC821918Peru Journalimage
Guest of SistervisitCOCKLEY, Georgia Washington DC821918Peru Journalimage
Guest of SistervisitCOCKLEY, Jesse Washington DC821918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeCOLE, Charles A  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeCOLE, Charles A  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeCOLE, Charles A  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeCOLE, Charles A  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeCOLE, Charles A  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeCOLE, Charles A  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeCOLE, Charles A  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeCOLE, Charles A  8201918Peru Journalimage
no titlefluCOLE, Charles M  1181918Peru Journalimage
Peru Praised in FranceSoldiers: FeedbackCOLE, J O Mrs.  1181918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsCOLLINS, E A Marion, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeCOLLINS, Grace  8301918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918CONFER, John Walter  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918CONFER, John Walter  7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918CONFER, John Walter Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918CONN, Verne Loree, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918CONN, Verne Loree, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Official Figures of Peru Township VoteElectionsCONNER, E E  11121918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfCONRADT  6281918Peru Journalimage
Colored Folk Entertainment at Moose HallDoughboys: departure celebrationCOOPER, Fred  8241918Peru Journalimage
Lieutenant Colonel Edward Coppock now on Fighting FrontOver thereCOPPOCK, Donald  8231918Peru Journalimage
Edward B Coppock Now a Lieutenant-ColonelDoughboys: promotionCOPPOCK, Donald L France821918Peru Journalimage
Lieutenant Colonel Edward Coppock now on Fighting FrontOver thereCOPPOCK, EdwardLt Col 18th Infantry 1st divisionFrance8231918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesCORRIGAN, J B Fort Wayne, IN11251918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsCOWGILL, B W North Manchester, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsCOX, John M North Manchester, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsCROW, Erastus Wabash, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesCRUME, Marshall Mrs.  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesCRUME, Marshall Mrs.  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesCRUME, Marshall Mrs.  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesCRUME, Marshall Mrs.  9161918Peru Journalimage
Two Peru Boys Gassed in Recent Battleswar: woundedCULP, C L Mrs.  11291918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsCUNNINGHAM, Jacob A  1111918Peru Journalimage
Captain Noel Unger and Lieutenant "Dick" Howard are in FranceoverseasCUNNINGHAM, PaulSergeant Machine Shop Truck UnitFrance9111918Peru Journalimage
Colored Folk Entertainment at Moose HallDoughboys: departure celebrationCURTIS Raymond  8241918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesDAILEY, David J Nead851918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesDAILEY, Henry M  851918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesDAILEY, John C  851918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesDAILEY, Joseph  851918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesDAILEY, WIlliam  851918Peru Journalimage
Letter From Peruvian Now in IrelandLetters HomeDALY, Michael Peru, IN7291918Peru Journalimage
Letter From Peruvian Now in IrelandLetters HomeDALY, Michael Peru, IN7291918Peru Journalimage
Peru Men Leave for Camp Grant Tuesday MornLeft 3 September 1918DARRO, Orville Robert Camp Grant, IL931918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeDAVIDSON, Carlton  1161918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeDAVIDSON, Fred  1161918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsDAWES, Ira  8231918Peru Journalimage
Birthday PartypartyDEAVULT, Stephen Jr  8231918Peru Journalimage
Albert Barnum receives PromotionDoughboys: promotionDEBOLT, Donoval309th Field Signal Bn 884th DivisionCamp Sherman, Chilicothe, OH8131918Peru Journalimage
Peru Men Leave for Camp Grant Tuesday MornLeft 1 September 1918DEEDS, Guymech detach. Chamber of CommerceIndianapolis, IN931918Peru Journalimage
Widely Known Circus Acrobat Passes awayCircus: deathDEINE, Bert  10301918Peru Journalimage
Birthday PartypartyDEVAULT, Stephen Mrs.  8231918Peru Journalimage
Private William Holland Victim of Influenza at Camp Taylordoughboys: gold starsDEVAULT, Thomas Mrs. Indianapolis, IN10131918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesDEVINE, John  8211918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesDEVINE, Joseph Montana8211918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesDEVINE, Luke Peru, IN8211918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesDEVINE, Mary Peru, IN8211918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesDEVINE, Thomas Montana8211918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsDICE, Charles E  1111918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918DIELMAN, Phillip Leon  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918DIELMAN, Phillip Leon  7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918DIELMAN, Phillip Leon Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918DORON, Clyde N Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeDSENGER, Herbert L France7191918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeDUBOIS, F E  1161918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeDUBOIS, Fred Peru, IN1031918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeDUBOIS, Fred  11121918Peru Journalimage
Peru Industry Is Successful With US ContractsProgress: refrigerationDUKES, A N  8311918Peru Journalimage
Widely Known Circus Acrobat Passes awayCircus: deathDUNHAM, Albert  10301918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsDUNN, Frank  1111918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsDYCE, Charles E  1111918Peru Journalimage
Colored Folk Entertainment at Moose HallDoughboys: departure celebrationEASLEY, John H  8241918Peru Journalimage
Colored NotesFarewell to soldiersEATON, Albert  8251918Peru Journalimage
Selected Men Instructed by County BoardDraft: instructions before leavingEATON, Albert Fort Dodge, Iowa8211918Peru Journalimage
Two MiamiCounty Boys Woundedwar: woundedECKERLE, William Mrs.  11271918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfEDWARDS  6281918Peru Journalimage
Noted Golfers Will Play HereRed Cross: golf exhibtion matchEDWARDS, Kenrich  6291918Peru Journalimage
Real HeroismSoldiers: heroEDWARDS, Milton  8121918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesEDWARDS, R A  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesEDWARDS, R A  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesEDWARDS, R A  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesEDWARDS, R A  9161918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918ELLIOT, Morrill Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeELLIS, FrankBattery A 2nd Trench Mortar BnFrance7121918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeELLIS, FrankBattery A 2nd Trench Mortar BnFrance7121918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeELLIS, FrankBattery A 2nd Trench Mortar BnFrance7121918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeELLIS, FrankBattery A 2nd BnFrance10281918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeELLIS, FrankBattery A 2nd BnFrance10281918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918ELLIS, Jim  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918ELLIS, Jim  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918ELLIS, Robert Carl  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918ELLIS, Robert Carl  7181918Peru Journalimage
Frank Elshire KilleddeathsELSHIRE, Frank  11181918Peru Journalimage
Frank Elshire KilleddeathsESLHIRE, Thomas  11181918Peru Journalimage
Golf GameRed Cross: golf exhibtion matchEVANS, Charles  7111918Peru Journalimage
Golf Game Attracts Big CrowdRed Cross: golf exhibtion matchEVANS, Charles  7111918Peru Journalimage
Noted Gold Players to Appear at Country Club in Match for Benefit of the local Red CrossRed Cross: golf exhibtion matchEVANS, Charles  791918Peru Journalimage
Peru is Ready For ExhibitionRed Cross: golf exhibtion matchEVANS, Charles  791918Peru Journalimage
Noted Golfers Will Play HereRed Cross: golf exhibtion matchEVANS, Chick  6291918Peru Journalimage
no titlesoldiers: newsFAILING, WW1st LieutenantFort Ben Harrison, IN8191918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918FARMER?  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918FARMER?  7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918FAUST, WIlliam R Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Boy Cared For in US Hospitalwar: woundedFENNIMORE, Fred137 Aero SquadronFrance7191918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsFENTERS,  1111918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsFENTERS, Homer  1111918Peru Journalimage
Organization Formed of War MothersWomen: War MothersFETTER, Harry Mrs.  11201918Peru Journalimage
PIctures Taken from the German Dead by Local boyswhole pageFISHER, EdwardEngineers' CorpsMexico, IN8251918Peru Journalimage
Another Peru Boy Sentenced for Ten Yearsdoughboys: insubordinationFISHER, Everett  7101918Peru Journalimage
Peru Soldiers Given Ten Years in Prison Disobeyed Officersdoughboys: insubordinationFISHER, Everett  6291918Peru Journalimage
Double Marriage CeremonyweddingFISHER, Lois  8211918Peru Journalimage
Organization Formed of War MothersWomen: War MothersFISHER, Lotta  11201918Peru Journalimage
Double Marriage CeremonyweddingFISHER, Otto  8211918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who Will Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918FISHER, Robert Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who Will Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918FISHER, Robert Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Victor Fisher, Son of Mr and Mrs Edward Fisher of MexicoFISHER, Victor  8251918Peru Journalimage
Victor Fisher, Son of Mr and Mrs Edward Fisher of MexicoFISHER, Victor  8251918Peru Journalimage
Victor Fisher, Son of Mr and Mrs Edward Fisher of MexicoFISHER, Victor  8251918Peru Journalimageico
Victor Fisher, Son of Mr and Mrs Edward Fisher of Mexicodoughboy pictureFISHER, Victor  8261918Peru Journalimage
PIctures Taken from the German Dead by Local boyswhole pageFISHER, Victor  8251918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeFISHER, Victor  8251918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfFLORA  6281918Peru Journalimage
Prominent Man Expires After Long IllnessobituariesFOOTE, Charles  891918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeFOOTE, Garland CBattery E 70th Reg C A C 9261918Peru Journalimage
Prominent Man Expires After Long IllnessobituariesFOOTE, Jesse  891918Peru Journalimage
Prominent Man Expires After Long IllnessobituariesFOOTE, Jesse  891918Peru Journalimage
Prominent Man Expires After Long IllnessobituariesFOOTE, Joel  891918Peru Journalimage
Prominent Man Expires After Long IllnessobituariesFOOTE, Mary  891918Peru Journalimage
Prominent Man Expires After Long IllnessobituariesFOOTE, ROger  891918Peru Journalimage
Colored Folk Entertainment at Moose HallDoughboys: departure celebrationFOSTER, Joseph  8241918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeFOWLER, ToddCo E 6th Inf, AEFFrance8191918Peru Journalimage
John Frazee (ct)Vigilance Committee: conscientious objectorFRAZEE, John  8131918Peru Journalimage
John Frazee is accused of not being loyalVigilance Committee: conscientious objectorFRAZEE, John  8131918Peru Journalimage
Former Miami County Boy in Casualty Listdoughboys: gold starsFRENCH, Pearl Winamac, IN9111918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsFRESHOUR, Chas Lagro, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeFRIEND, William Donald  1141918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918GABLE, Milo James Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Edward Gaffrey of this county makes supreme sacrificeDoughboys: Gold starsGAFFREY, Edward Charles  8121918Peru Journalimage
Letter Received From SOldier who lost LifeLetters HomeGAFFREY, Edward Charles  8201918Peru Journalimage
Letter Received From SOldier who lost LifeLetters HomeGAFFREY, Edward Charles  8201918Peru Journalimage
Tablet in the Memory of the Miami Co. BoysDoughboys: Gold StarsGAFFREY, Edward Charles Peru, IN8221918Peru Journalimage
Edward Gaffrey of this county makes supreme sacrificeDoughboys: Gold starsGAFFREY, Louise  8121918Peru Journalimage
Edward Gaffrey of this county makes supreme sacrificeDoughboys: Gold starsGAFFREY, Minnie  8121918Peru Journalimage
Edward Gaffrey of this county makes supreme sacrificeDoughboys: Gold starsGAFFREY, WIlliam  8121918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeGARRY, LeoCorporal 307 Field AMbulance Co AEFFrance7161918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesGATES, Matilda  8191918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeGAUSS, Victor BNo1 112 Ammunition Train.Camp Sheridan, AL7121918Peru Journalimage
From South BendvisitGERHART, George Washington DC821918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918GERHART, John Schini Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918GERHART, John Schini Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918GIBSON, Earl Delbert  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918GIBSON, Earl Delbert  7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918GIBSON, Earl Delbert Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Organization Formed of War MothersWomen: War MothersGILLESPIE, H W Mrs.  11201918Peru Journalimage
Peru Men Leave for Camp Grant Tuesday MornLeft 1 September 1918GINNEY, Georgemech detach. Chamber of CommerceIndianapolis, IN931918Peru Journalimage
Private John Ginney Listed in the Missingwar: missingGINNEY, John  9141918Peru Journalimage
Peru Men Leave for Camp Grant Tuesday MornLeft 1 September 1918GLASSBURN, Williammech detach. Chamber of CommerceIndianapolis, IN931918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918GLENDENNING, Arnold Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Soldiers Are Entertained By The PeruviansDraft: Peru quotaGLYNN, John R Camp Taylor, KY7241918Peru Journalimage
Peru Boy is Promoted to Second Lieutenant at Camp Taylor Schoolservice: graduationGOLDSBARRY, Albert WilliamSecond Lieutenant Field ArtilleryCamp Taylor, KY9111918Peru Journalimage
Goodenough in ArmyenlistedGOODENOUGH, Walter140th Machine Gun BattalionCamp Beauregard, LA721918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsGOODWIN, BF North Manchester, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsGRAHAM, H C Tipton, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Colored NotesFarewell to soldiersGRAHAM, Henry  8251918Peru Journalimage
Selected Men Instructed by County BoardDraft: instructions before leavingGRAHAM, Henry Fort Dodge, Iowa8211918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsGREEN, Burton  1111918Peru Journalimage
Organization Formed of War MothersWomen: War MothersGRISWOLD, E H Mrs.  11201918Peru Journalimage
no titleresignationGROGG, SarahPeru Loan and Trust Company 811918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfGROTH  6281918Peru Journalimage
Sketching a Battle Under Fire - Grove Tells How it FeelsNews: reportingGROVE, Roy  8291918Peru Journalimage
Chaplin Arnold May Visit Peru Next weekVisitGUENDLING, John H Rev.  891918Peru Journalimage
Mourned as Dead Michael Powers Visits in PeruProdigal returnsGUENDLING, John H Rev.  8131918Peru Journalimage
Mourned as Dead Michael Powers Visits in PeruProdigal returnsGUENDLING, John H Rev.  8131918Peru Journalimage
Two MiamiCounty Boys Woundedwar: woundedGUSTIN, Emmet Mrs.  11271918Peru Journalimage
Peru Soldier is Wounded Second Time in Francewar: woundedGUTBROD, EmilRainbow DivisionFrance8301918Peru Journalimage
Three Peru Boys in Recent BattleLetters HomeHAAG, AlbertEngineers CorpFrance11251918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesHACKETT, Thomas, Mrs. Peru, IN8211918Peru Journalimage
Official Figures of Peru Township VoteElectionsHAHN, George W  11121918Peru Journalimage
Letters from YanksLetters HomeHALL, Eugene  1181918Peru Journalimage
Private William Holland Victim of Influenza at Camp Taylordoughboys: gold starsHAN, Dale Mrs.  10131918Peru Journalimage
Cavalry of the AirAviationHANSON, Eber L  8201918Peru Journalimage
Official Figures of Peru Township VoteElectionsHANT, A W  11121918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsHARRIES, W H New London, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesHARSH, Otis Mrs. Peru, IN11251918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918HARTISCH, Fred A Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918HARTISCH, Fred August Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918HARTISCH, Fred August Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918HARTLEROAD, Loade Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918HARTLEROAD, Loade Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeHARTT, Mary Peru, IN1031918Peru Journalimage
Mourned as Dead Michael Powers Visits in PeruProdigal returnsHASSETT, Patrick Mrs.  8131918Peru Journalimage
Mourned as Dead Michael Powers Visits in PeruProdigal returnsHASSETT, Patrick Mrs.  8131918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918HATTEROOD, Loade Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Official Figures of Peru Township VoteElectionsHAYS, V R  11121918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsHEACOCK, Jonah Lincolnville, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
deathsobituariesHEMPLEMAN, Harveyprivaye Signal CorpsCamp Cody, NM11101918Peru Journalimage
deathsobituariesHEMPLEMAN, J W  11101918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918HERRELL, Marvin  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918HERRELL, Marvin  7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918HERRELL, Marvin Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Colored Folk Entertainment at Moose HallDoughboys: departure celebrationHERRON, W  8241918Peru Journalimage
Herschberger is Given Ten Yearsdoughboys: insubordinationHERSCHBERGER, Elmer EBattery D 325th Field ArtilleryKokomo, IN7111918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918HIERS, John  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918HIERS, John  7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918HIERS, John Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeHILEMAN, CharlesF Troop 313th CavalryDel Rio, TX821918Peru Journalimage
Colored Folk Entertainment at Moose HallDoughboys: departure celebrationHILL, JOhn  8241918Peru Journalimage
Pioneer Citizen Dies MondayobituariesHINER, Harriet  10141918Peru Journalimage
Notice of Special meetingWomen: Peru Franchise LeagueHINMAN, R E, Mrs  8101918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918HINSHAW, Glenn Harrison Magnola, MD7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918HINSHAW, Glenn Harrison Magnola, MD7181918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeHIPSKIND, Margaret  8301918Peru Journalimage
How some of our Sportsmen are doing their bit for USSports: in the militaryHITCHCOCK, Thomaspolo 8221918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeHODEL, Walter  8301918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfHOLCOMBE  6281918Peru Journalimage
Private William Holland Victim of Influenza at Camp Taylordoughboys: gold starsHOLLAND, Dennis  10131918Peru Journalimage
Private William Holland Victim of Influenza at Camp Taylordoughboys: gold starsHOLLAND, John Peru, IN10131918Peru Journalimage
Private William Holland Victim of Influenza at Camp Taylordoughboys: gold starsHOLLAND, Leo Camp McClellan, AL10131918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918HOLLAND, WIlliam Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918HOLLAND, WIlliam Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Private William Holland Victim of Influenza at Camp Taylordoughboys: gold starsHOLLAND, WIlliam  10131918Peru Journalimage
Pioneer Citizen Dies MondayobituariesHOOKS, Josephine  10141918Peru Journalimage
Macy Boy Dies From Woundsdoughboys: gold starsHORTON, Addison E  7131918Peru Journalimage
Macy Boy Dies From Woundsdoughboys: gold starsHORTON, Carl  7131918Peru Journalimage
Aerial Exhibit for Peru Saturday MorningLiberty Loan: aviationHOTSON, Thomas L  9261918Peru Journalimage
Aerial Exhibit for Peru Saturday MorningLiberty Loan: aviationHOTSON, Thomas L  9261918Peru Journalimage
Selected Men Instructed by County Boardalready leftHOWARD, Fred France8211918Peru Journalimage
Captain Noel Unger and Lieutenant "Dick" Howard are in FranceoverseasHOWARD, Helen  9111918Peru Journalimage
Captain Noel Unger and Lieutenant "Dick" Howard are in FranceoverseasHOWARD, R A  9111918Peru Journalimage
Captain Noel Unger and Lieutenant "Dick" Howard are in FranceoverseasHOWARD, RouhierLieutenant Co C 334 Infathry 84th Lincoln DivisionFrance9111918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeHOWELL, Mary  8301918Peru Journalimage
Pioneer Citizen Dies MondayobituariesHUBBARD, Jane Mrs.  10141918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsHURL, Joseph HUntington, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918HURSCH, George Allen  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918HURSCH, George Allen  7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918HURSH, George Allen Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Noted Golfers Will Play HereRed Cross: golf exhibtion matchHUTCHINSON, Jack  6291918Peru Journalimage
Golf GameRed Cross: golf exhibtion matchHUTCHINSON, Jock  7111918Peru Journalimage
Golf Game Attracts Big CrowdRed Cross: golf exhibtion matchHUTCHINSON, Jock  7111918Peru Journalimage
Noted Gold Players to Appear at Country Club in Match for Benefit of the local Red CrossRed Cross: golf exhibtion matchHUTCHINSON, Jock  791918Peru Journalimage
Peru is Ready For ExhibitionRed Cross: golf exhibtion matchHUTCHINSON, Jock  791918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeISHAM, CarlLieutenant 7131918Peru Journalimage
Received word from SonLetters HomeISHAM, CarlLieutenantFrance8231918Peru Journalimage
Received word from SonLetters HomeISHAM, WIlliam  8231918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeISHAND, Howard  8301918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsISLER, Frank F  1111918Peru Journalimage
Letter From Peruvian Now in IrelandLetters HomeJACKSON, VictorInspector General US Navy 7291918Peru Journalimage
Letter From Peruvian Now in IrelandLetters HomeJACKSON, VictorInspector General US Navy 7291918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918JAMESON, Frank Gayle Bunker Hill, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918JAMESON, Frank Gayle Bunker Hill, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfJAY  6281918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeJENSON, Von  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeJENSON, Von  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeJENSON, Von  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeJENSON, Von  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeJENSON, Von  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeJENSON, Von  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeJENSON, Von  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeJENSON, Von  8201918Peru Journalimage
Negro ReleasedCircus: thiefJOHNSON, Herbert  11181918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsJOHNSON, Louis C  1111918Peru Journalimage
Army Birdman To Be Guest at County ClubLiberty Loan: aviationJOHNSON, Noah  9191918Peru Journalimage
Army Birdman To Be Guest at County ClubLiberty Loan: aviationJOHNSON, Noah  9191918Peru Journalimage
Lieutenant Johnson of US Aviation Corps Flying From St LouisLiberty Loan: aviationJOHNSON, Noah  9201918Peru Journalimage
United States Army Aviator Loops Loop Over Peru SaturdayLiberty Loan: aviationJOHNSON, Noah  9211918Peru Journalimage
These Champions Aid Red Cross with Golf MatchesRed Cross: fundraisersJONES, Bobby  811918Peru Journalimage
Selected Men Instructed by County BoardDraft: instructions before leavingJONES, Charles Fort Dodge, Iowa8211918Peru Journalimage
Colored NotesFarewell to soldiersJONES, Chas  8251918Peru Journalimage
Colored Folk Entertainment at Moose HallDoughboys: departure celebrationJONES, John  8241918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918JORDEN, Paul J Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Peru Industry Is Successful With US ContractsProgress: refrigerationKADER, John  8311918Peru Journalimage
Patrick Burke Dies Suddenly Monday MornobituariesKALLAHAN, Rosa Mrs.  8121918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeKAUFMAN, Ford  8301918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeKEENAN, Louis  8301918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeKEMPS, Emma  8221918Peru Journalimage
Search For Missing Cashier of Defunct Amboy State Bank Continued FridayFinancials: Defunct BankKENDALL, John  10111918Peru Journalimage
Search For Missing Cashier of Defunct Amboy State Bank Continued FridayFinancials: Defunct BankKENDALL, Joseph  10111918Peru Journalimage
Patrick Burke Dies Suddenly Monday MornobituariesKENNEDY, James, Mrs  8121918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918KERCHER, Homer Wesley  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918KERCHER, Homer Wesley  7181918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsKESSLER, Ira A  1111918Peru Journalimage
Peru Boy is Promoted to Second Lieutenant at Camp Taylor Schoolservice: graduationKILANDER, Frank Edward Logansport, IN9111918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918KILE, Reginald Wilkon Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918KILE, Reginald Wilkon Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918KILE, Regnold Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918KILEY, Leo Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Peru Men Leave for Camp Grant Tuesday MornLeft 1 September 1918KILLIAN, Wmmech detach. Chamber of CommerceIndianapolis, IN931918Peru Journalimage
Belgian King LIves Simply near FrontBelgium: visitKing Albert  10141918Peru Journalimage
Belgian King LIves Simply near FrontBelgium: visitKing Albert  10141918Peru Journalimage
Belgian King LIves Simply near FrontBelgium: visitKing Albert  10141918Peru Journalimage
Belgian King LIves Simply near FrontBelgium: visitKing Albert  10141918Peru Journalimage
Belgian King LIves Simply near FrontBelgium: visitKing Albert  10141918Peru Journalimage
Belgium's Ruler Enter BrugesphotoKING, Albert  11281918Peru Journalimage
Notice of Special meetingWomen: Peru Franchise LeagueKING, R G Mrs  8101918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsKNAUFF, Henry  1111918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918KNEISLEY, Grover  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918KNEISLEY, Grover  7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918KNEISLEY, Grover Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Arrived Safely OverseasarrivedKRAMER, AveryCo E 6th Division Amm Train 9191918Peru Journal 
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918KRAMER, Clarence Patrick Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918KRAMER, Clarence Patrick Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918KRAMER, Louis Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Arrived Safely OverseasarrivedKRAMER, WillardCo B 68th ENgineers 9191918Peru Journal 
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsKRAUS, Milton  1111918Peru Journalimage
Peru Girl Has Been Assigned Overseas WorkRed Cross: Army nurseKREUTZER, CarlEngineersFrance8231918Peru Journalimage
Peru Girl Has Been Assigned Overseas WorkRed Cross: Army nurseKREUTZER, ClementAviationKelly Field #2, San Antonio, TX8231918Peru Journalimage
Mourned as Dead Michael Powers Visits in PeruProdigal returnsKREUTZER, Frank  8131918Peru Journalimage
Mourned as Dead Michael Powers Visits in PeruProdigal returnsKREUTZER, Frank  8131918Peru Journalimage
Red Cross Nurse Sends Letter HomeLetters HomeKREUTZER, John J Peru, IN11131918Peru Journalimage
Red Cross Nurse Sends Letter HomeLetters HomeKREUTZER, John J Peru, IN11131918Peru Journalimage
Red Cross Nurse Sends Letter HomeLetters HomeKREUTZER, John J Peru, IN11131918Peru Journalimage
Red Cross Nurse Sends Letter HomeLetters HomeKREUTZER, John J Peru, IN11131918Peru Journalimage
Organization Formed of War MothersWomen: War MothersKREUTZER, John J Mrs.  11201918Peru Journalimage
Peru Girl Has Been Assigned Overseas WorkRed Cross: Army nurseKREUTZER, KatherinenurseWilbur Wright Aviation Field, OH8231918Peru Journalimage
Red Cross Nurse Sends Letter HomeLetters HomeKREUTZER, KatherineANC Base Hospital 61France11131918Peru Journalimage
Red Cross Nurse Sends Letter HomeLetters HomeKREUTZER, KatherineANC Base Hospital 61France11131918Peru Journalimage
Red Cross Nurse Sends Letter HomeLetters HomeKREUTZER, KatherineANC Base Hospital 61France11131918Peru Journalimage
Red Cross Nurse Sends Letter HomeLetters HomeKREUTZER, KatherineANC Base Hospital 61France11131918Peru Journalimage
Donated to Red CrossRed Cross: donation in kindKROLLMAN, T A Peru, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Letters from YanksLetters HomeKUCH,Signal Corps 11251918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeKUCH, Ernest  8301918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesKULMER, C J Peru, IN8241918Peru Journalimage
Double Marriage CeremonyweddingKUNKLE, Carl  8211918Peru Journalimage
Double Marriage CeremonyweddingKUNKLE, Seward  8211918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeLAMME, L JField Hospital 25 11121918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesLANDIS, Abraham Logansport, IN8241918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesLANDIS, Charles B Washington, DC8241918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesLANDIS, Frances Logansport, IN8241918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesLANDIS, Frederick Logansport, IN8241918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesLANDIS, John H  8241918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesLANDIS, Judge Kenesaw Mountain Chicago, IL8241918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesLANDIS, Katherine Logansport, IN8241918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918LAYMON, Perry  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918LAYMON, Perry  7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918LAYMON, Perry Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfLEACH  6281918Peru Journalimage
deathsobituariesLEES, Larkin  8221918Peru Journalimage
deathsobituariesLEES, Vernice Lucile  8221918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsLEHMAN, W R  1111918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918LIEBO, Christian Ernest William  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918LIEBO, Christian Ernest William  7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918LIEBO, Christian Ernest WIlliam Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Old TurtlevacationLILLARD, Walter  8121918Peru Journalimage
Joe Litchell Badly Hurt at Malone, NYCircus: Robinson SHowLITCHELL, John Malone, NY851918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsLOCKE, Andrew J  1111918Peru Journalimage
Wallace Field Accepted as Landing SiteAviationLOCKWOOD, Herbert H2nd Lieut AASSC, Adjutant Test Field 10131918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfLOUTH  6281918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfLOVE  6281918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsLOVE, James Akron, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Organization Formed of War MothersWomen: War MothersLOVELAND, R J Mrs.  11201918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsLOWER, A H Roann, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Uncle Sam: Now All Togetherpolitical cartoonLOWRY  8251918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918MADARY, Herbert Lee  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918MADARY, Herbert Lee  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918MAGGERT, Joseph  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918MAGGERT, Joseph  7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918MAGGERT, Joseph Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Letters from YanksLetters HomeMAHANY, Louis VHQ Co Ordnance Dep AEFFrance1181918Peru Journalimage
Patrick Burke Dies Suddenly Monday MornobituariesMALONEY, George  8121918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918MALOTT, William H Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918MALOTT, William H Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918MALOTT, WIlliam H H Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Receive appointmentsWomen: Government positionMARTIN, Ivah Washington DC821918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsMARTINDALE, Joseph A  1111918Peru Journalimage
Big Six Answers call of Boys "over there"Sports: in the militaryMATTHEWSON, Christy  7161918Peru Journalimage
Guest of SistervisitMAXWELL, John, Mrs. Washington DC821918Peru Journalimage
Colored Folk Entertainment at Moose HallDoughboys: departure celebrationMAYBERRY, C H Mrs.  8241918Peru Journalimage
Mourned as Dead Michael Powers Visits in PeruProdigal returnsMcCARTHY, Dan  8131918Peru Journalimage
Mourned as Dead Michael Powers Visits in PeruProdigal returnsMcCARTHY, Dan  8131918Peru Journalimage
Peruvians are Home From the Sparks CircusCircus: RetiringMcCLAIN, Earl  8261918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesMcCOLLEY, Anna Elkhart, IN11251918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesMcCOLLEY, Claude Elkhart, IN11251918Peru Journalimage
Golf GameRed Cross: golf exhibtion matchMcDONALD, Bob  7111918Peru Journalimage
Golf Game Attracts Big CrowdRed Cross: golf exhibtion matchMcDONALD, Bob  7111918Peru Journalimage
Noted Gold Players to Appear at Country Club in Match for Benefit of the local Red CrossRed Cross: golf exhibtion matchMcDONALD, Bob  791918Peru Journalimage
Noted Golfers Will Play HereRed Cross: golf exhibtion matchMcDONALD, Bob  6291918Peru Journalimage
Peru is Ready For ExhibitionRed Cross: golf exhibtion matchMcDONALD, Bob  791918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeMcELHENY, RobertCorporal 8301918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918McELWEE, Joseph Ernest Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918McELWEE, Joseph Ernest Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeMcGLONE, John  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeMcGLONE, John  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeMcGLONE, John  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeMcGLONE, John  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeMcGLONE, John  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeMcGLONE, John  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeMcGLONE, John  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeMcGLONE, John  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeMcGLONE, Pat  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeMcGLONE, Pat  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeMcGLONE, Pat  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeMcGLONE, Pat  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeMcGLONE, Pat  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeMcGLONE, Pat  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeMcGLONE, Pat  8201918Peru Journalimage
Work or Fight Order Put up to MormonsVigilance CommitteeMcGLONE, Pat  8201918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfMcGONGHAN  6281918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeMcKEE, Raymond Wyoming1031918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeMcKEE, Raymond CUSS Charleston 11121918Peru Journalimage
no titledoughboysMEEKER, MeredithNavyChicago, IL811918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsMEYERS, John South Bend, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Two Peru Boys Gassed in Recent Battleswar: woundedMILLER, Cprivate 6th Engineers Corps 11291918Peru Journalimage
Peru Soldier Reported to Be Missingsoldiers: missingMILLER, Edward Kokomo, IN841918Peru Journalimage
Pioneer Citizen Dies MondayobituariesMILLER, Edward H  10141918Peru Journalimage
Pioneer Citizen Dies MondayobituariesMILLER, Edward O  10141918Peru Journalimage
Pioneer Citizen Dies MondayobituariesMILLER, George  10141918Peru Journalimage
Pioneer Citizen Dies MondayobituariesMILLER, John  10141918Peru Journalimage
Pioneer Citizen Dies MondayobituariesMILLER, John  10141918Peru Journalimage
Pioneer Citizen Dies MondayobituariesMILLER, Louanna  10141918Peru Journalimage
Peru Soldier Reported to Be Missingsoldiers: missingMILLER, Parks6th Infantry Co B 841918Peru Journalimage
Pioneer Citizen Dies MondayobituariesMILLER, Ross  10141918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeMILLER, Russell  8301918Peru Journalimage
Pioneer Citizen Dies MondayobituariesMILLER, Thomas  10141918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsMILLS, Eugene  1111918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeMINER, O RPrivate 27th Co 7th Bn 159th Depot BrigadeCamp Taylor, KY811918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeMONTGOMERY, CHarles  8301918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeMOODY, D L  1111918Peru Journalimage
Two Peru Boys Gassed in Recent Battleswar: woundedMOORE, George  11291918Peru Journalimage
Walter Moore Writes Parents from FranceLetters HomeMOORE, George Peru, IN8201918Peru Journalimage
Letters from YanksLetters HomeMOORE, George H  1181918Peru Journalimage
Two Peru Boys Gassed in Recent Battleswar: woundedMOORE, George Walter362 Ambulance CorpsSt Mihiel, France11291918Peru Journalimage
Letters from YanksLetters HomeMOORE, Walter  1181918Peru Journalimage
Walter Moore Writes Parents from FranceLetters HomeMOORE, WalterAmbulance CorpsFrance8201918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeMORGAN, Arthur145th Field Hospital 112 Sanitary Train, AEFFrance8221918Peru Journalimage
Selected Men Instructed by County Boardalready leftMORGAN, Higby France8211918Peru Journalimage
Arrived Safely OverseasarrivedMORRIS, Margaret  9191918Peru Journal 
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918MORRIS, Walter Roann, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918MORRIS, Walter Roann, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918MORRIS, Walter Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeMORRISSEY, H P Lieut.  8281918Peru Journalimage
Colored NotesFarewell to soldiersMOSS, Frank Mrs.  8251918Peru Journalimage
Colored NotesFarewell to soldiersMOSS, Louis  8251918Peru Journalimage
Selected Men Instructed by County BoardDraft: instructions before leavingMOSS, Louis Fort Dodge, Iowa8211918Peru Journalimage
Charles Mower in Francedoughboys: overseasMOWER, CharlesEngineers Corp, Co C No 62France811918Peru Journalimage
no titletripMOWER, Exra  811918Peru Journalimage
no titletripMOWER, Mary  811918Peru Journalimage
no titletripMOWER, TP  811918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918MULLEN, WIlliam Luther  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918MULLEN, WIlliam Luther  7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918MULLEN, WIlliam Luther Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfMURPHY  6281918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918MURPHY, Herman Kokomo, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918MURPHY, Herman Kokomo, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Colored NotesFarewell to soldiersMURPHY, London  8251918Peru Journalimage
Selected Men Instructed by County BoardDraft: instructions before leavingMURPHY, Lundon Fort Dodge, Iowa8211918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeMYERS, Paul  8301918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesNEFF, Sallie  8191918Peru Journalimage
Letters from YanksLetters HomeNISBET, HenryCo B 315 Am LuAEF11251918Peru Journalimage
Colored NotesFarewell to soldiersNUTAL, Joseph Mrs.  8251918Peru Journalimage
Dr and Mrs. Harry Nyce Accompany Lieutenant Nyce to Logansportwar: woundedNYCE, Harry  8281918Peru Journalimage
Organization Formed of War MothersWomen: War MothersNYCE, Harry Mrs.  11201918Peru Journalimage
Dr and Mrs. Harry Nyce Accompany Lieutenant Nyce to Logansportwar: woundedNYCE, Holst  8281918Peru Journalimage
Lieutenant Nyce is removed to Iowa Hospitalwar: woundedNYCE, Holst  8271918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeOAKES, DIckLieutenantFrance851918Peru Journalimage
We Stand Back of You My Boypolitical cartoonOATES, F  10141918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918O'BRIEN, James J Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918O'BRIEN, James Joseph Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918O'BRIEN, James Joseph Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeO'HARA, Mary  8301918Peru Journalimage
Former Miami County Boy in Casualty Listdoughboys: gold starsOLDFATHER, Clara Mrs.  9111918Peru Journalimage
"Whitey" Oldknow Known in Circus WOrldCircus: deathOLDKNOW, William Whitey  10211918Peru Journalimage
Another Peru Boy Sentenced for Ten Yearsdoughboys: insubordinationORPERT, William  7101918Peru Journalimage
Another Peru Boy Sentenced for Ten Yearsdoughboys: insubordinationORPERT, William G  7101918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeORR, GlennPrivate 302nd Steve Regiment 9261918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918ORR, Roy S South Bend, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918ORR, Roy S South Bend, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918OVERMAN, Clark Elwood  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918OVERMAN, Clark Elwood  7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918OVERMAN, Clark Elwood Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Colored Folk Entertainment at Moose HallDoughboys: departure celebrationPALMER, Frank  8241918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesPARISH, Clara  8251918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesPARISH, Roy  8251918Peru Journalimage
Peru Soldier Reported to Be Missingsoldiers: missingPARKS, A J Peru, IN841918Peru Journalimage
Work or FightSports: claiming exemptionPARNHAM, Rube  7101918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918PARR, Earl Rosela Concord, KY7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918PARR, Earl Rosela Concord, KY7181918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfPATTEN  6281918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918PATTERSON, Harry S Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918PATTERSON, Harvey S Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918PATTERSON, Harvey S Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Mrs. ALbert PaulusvisitPAULUS, ALbert Washington DC821918Peru Journalimage
Selected Men Instructed by County BoardDraft: instructions before leavingPAYTON Elibur Fort Dodge, Iowa8211918Peru Journalimage
Peru Men Leave for Camp Grant Tuesday MornLeft 1 September 1918PAYTON, Wilbur Camp Custer, MI931918Peru Journalimage
Two MiamiCounty Boys Woundedwar: woundedPEARCE, Leonard  11271918Peru Journalimage
Colored Folk Entertainment at Moose HallDoughboys: departure celebrationPERRY, Clara  8241918Peru Journalimage
Lafayette Nous VoilaQuotesPERSHING, John Gen.  9181918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomePETERS, Edith  8301918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomePETERS, Meriam  8301918Peru Journalimage
Receive appointmentsWomen: Government positionPETTY, Marguerite Washington DC821918Peru Journalimage
How some of our Sportsmen are doing their bit for USSports: in the militaryPHIPPS, John Spolo 8221918Peru Journalimage
Farmer Fails to Register is ArrestedDraft: refused to registerPIER, Clarence  9261918Peru Journalimage
Peru Men Leave for Camp Grant Tuesday MornLeft 3 September 1918PILE, George Camp Grant, IL931918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Boy Killed in Actiondoughboys: gold starsPLOSS, Albert E France11291918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Boy Killed in Actiondoughboys: gold starsPLOSS, Albert E France11291918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Boy Killed in Actiondoughboys: gold starsPLOSS, C A  11291918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Boy Killed in Actiondoughboys: gold starsPLOSS, C A  11291918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesPLOTHOW, Anton Frederick  891918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesPLOTHOW, Anton Frederick  891918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesPLOTHOW, David  891918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesPLOTHOW, Harry  891918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918PLOTNER, Grant Harrison  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918PLOTNER, Grant Harrison  7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918PLOTNER, Grant Harrison Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
It's very Simple, says human fly, of scaling brick wallsRed Cross: fund raiserPOLLEY, George  7201918Peru Journalimage
It's very Simple, says human fly, of scaling brick wallsRed Cross: fund raiserPOLLEY, George  7201918Peru Journalimage
It's very Simple, says human fly, of scaling brick wallsRed Cross: fund raiserPOLLEY, George  7201918Peru Journalimage
Peru Boy Mentioned in Today's Casualty List is Improvingwar: woundedPOLLOCK, D R  10101918Peru Journalimage
Peru Boy Mentioned in Today's Casualty List is Improvingwar: woundedPOLLOCK, David39th InfantryCamp Greene, SC10101918Peru Journalimage
Real HeroismSoldiers: heroPORTER, ColeFrench Officers' School 8121918Peru Journalimage
Organization Formed of War MothersWomen: War MothersPORTER, SF Mrs.  11201918Peru Journalimage
Mourned as Dead Michael Powers Visits in PeruProdigal returnsPOWERS, Maggie  8131918Peru Journalimage
Mourned as Dead Michael Powers Visits in PeruProdigal returnsPOWERS, Maggie  8131918Peru Journalimage
Mourned as Dead Michael Powers Visits in PeruProdigal returnsPOWERS, Margaret  8131918Peru Journalimage
Mourned as Dead Michael Powers Visits in PeruProdigal returnsPOWERS, Margaret  8131918Peru Journalimage
Mourned as Dead Michael Powers Visits in PeruProdigal returnsPOWERS, Michael Onville, OH8131918Peru Journalimage
Mourned as Dead Michael Powers Visits in PeruProdigal returnsPOWERS, Michael Onville, OH8131918Peru Journalimage
"Whitey" Oldknow Known in Circus WOrldCircus: deathPURCELL, John  10211918Peru Journalimage
Arrived Safely OverseasarrivedPUTNAM, Roy ACo C 801st Field Signal BattalionFrance8311918Peru Journalimage
Former Peru Man DIes at Camp Uptondoughboys: gold starsPYLE, Nellie  1031918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsRAUGH, George W  1111918Peru Journalimage
Edward Gaffrey of this county makes supreme sacrificeDoughboys: Gold starsRAY, Lloyd Mrs  8121918Peru Journalimage
Charles E REYBURN Gets Letters From SonLetters HomeRAYBURN, Lewis EHQ Co 11th Machine Gun Batt AEFFrance11131918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfREAM  6281918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsREDMON, George  1111918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsREED, W W Wabash, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsREED, Wm M  8231918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfREPLOGLE  6281918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsREYBURN, Charles E  1111918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsRICH, Joseph  1111918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsRICHARDS, W H Wabash, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Another Peru Boy Sentenced for Ten Yearsdoughboys: insubordinationRICHER, Menno  7101918Peru Journalimage
Peru Men Leave for Camp Grant Tuesday MornLeft 1 September 1918ROBERTS, Edmonmech detach. Chamber of CommerceIndianapolis, IN931918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsROBINSON, ALvin Warsaw, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918ROBINSON, Audrey B  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918ROBINSON, Audrey B  7181918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeROCKENBAUGH, Sam  8301918Peru Journalimage
PersonalsarrivedROCKENBAUGH, Thomas325th F A 8301918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeROCKENBAUGH, Thos FSupply Co. 325 F AFrance11181918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsROHRER, John Logansport, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Macy Boy Dies From Woundsdoughboys: gold starsROSE, John  7131918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918ROSE, William  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918ROSE, William  7181918Peru Journalimage
These Champions Aid Red Cross with Golf MatchesRed Cross: fundraisersROSENTHAL, Elaine  811918Peru Journalimage
Peru Boy is Promoted to Second Lieutenant at Camp Taylor Schoolservice: graduationROTTERMAN, Joseph Wabash, IN9111918Peru Journalimage
Official Figures of Peru Township VoteElectionsRUNYAN, B L  11121918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsRUSSEL, Daniel Lagro, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918RUSSO, Sam Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918RUSSO, Sam Peru, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918SAILERS, Grover M Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Converse Boy Wounded; Now at his homewar: woundedSANDERS, Emanuel  761918Peru Journalimage
Peru Boy died while Bathing in Leaf RIverdoughboys: gold starsSARVER, Alonzo Camp Shelby,5241918Peru Journalimage
The Girl He Left Behind HimLiterature: Poem, Bob  861918Peru Journalimage
Two Miami County Boys Woundedwar: woundedSCHINI, Albert  11271918Peru Journalimage
Two Miami County Boys Woundedwar: woundedSCHINI, WilliamPrivate 167th InfantryFrance11271918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsSCHMUCK, William Peru, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
deathsobituariesSCHRADER, E R  8221918Peru Journalimage
deathsobituariesSCHRADER, H J  8221918Peru Journalimage
Peru Praised in FranceSoldiers: FeedbackSCHRAM, Waldo  1181918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeSCHROLL, George Hoboken, NJ821918Peru Journalimage
Home from LouisvilleDoughboys: visitorsSCHULTZ, Earl Camp Taylor, KY8221918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Tells (ctd)Letters HomeSCHUTT, George F  881918Peru Journalimage
Peru Tells of Indiana Folks in WashingtonLetters HomeSCHUTT, George F Washington, DC881918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeSELGRATH, J W  8301918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeSELGRATH, Mary Alice  8301918Peru Journalimage
Red Cross Sewing Circle PostponedRed Cross: sewingSHARP, Walter, Mrs. Washington Twp8211918Peru Journalimage
Pioneer Citizen Dies MondayobituariesSHARP, William G Mrs.  10141918Peru Journalimage
Automobile Recovered By OwnerCircus: thiefSHARTZER, George Germantown, OH11201918Peru Journalimage
Miss Vernice SheplerWomen: Government positionSHEPLER, Vernice Washington DC821918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918SHERIDAN, Ralph  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918SHERIDAN, Ralph  7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918SHERIDAN, Ralph Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsSHIRE, J H Warsaw, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfSHIRK  6281918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSHIRK, Elbert Hamilton  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSHIRK, Elbert Hamilton  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSHIRK, Elbert Hamilton  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSHIRK, Elbert Hamilton  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSHIRK, Elbert WalkerNavy 9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSHIRK, Elbert WalkerNavy 9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSHIRK, Elbert WalkerNavy 9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSHIRK, Elbert WalkerNavy 9161918Peru Journalimage
Lieutenant Elbert Walker Shirk Mentioned in DispatchesSoldiers: heroSHIRK, Elbert Walker  8121918Peru Journalimage
Real HeroismSoldiers: heroSHIRK, Elbert WalkerAviation Corps 8121918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSHIRK, Elbert Wright  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSHIRK, Joseph  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSHIRK, Milton  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSHIRK, Milton  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSHIRK, Milton  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSHIRK, Milton  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSHIRK, Samuel  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSHIRK, Samuel  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSHIRK, Samuel  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSHIRK, Samuel  9161918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918SHOWALTER, Otto Grover  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918SHOWALTER, Otto Grover  7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918SHOWALTER, Otto Grover Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeSHULER, Arthur494th Aero SquadronFrance1041918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeSHULER, Arthur494th Aero SquadronFrance1041918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeSHULER, Arthur494th Aero SquadronFrance1041918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeSHULER, Arthur494th Aero SquadronFrance1041918Peru Journalimage
Peru Boy Gives Life on Battle Field of Francedoughboys: gold starsSIDNER, Edward Peru, IN931918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeSIEGFRUND, Harold North Manchester, IN8301918Peru Journalimage
Notice of Special meetingWomen: Peru Franchise LeagueSIMON, A Mrs.  8101918Peru Journalimage
Golf GameRed Cross: golf exhibtion matchSIMPSON, George  7111918Peru Journalimage
Golf Game Attracts Big CrowdRed Cross: golf exhibtion matchSIMPSON, George  7111918Peru Journalimage
Noted Gold Players to Appear at Country Club in Match for Benefit of the local Red CrossRed Cross: golf exhibtion matchSIMPSON, George  791918Peru Journalimage
Peru is Ready For ExhibitionRed Cross: golf exhibtion matchSIMPSON, George  791918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsSIMPSON, J W Logansport, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Will they use these grips to hold an Enfield RifleSports: in the militarySISLER, G Obaseball 8241918Peru Journalimage
Disloyal Citizen Came Close to Being Selected Professor in SchoolVigilance Committee: schoolsSLABAUGH, Rev.  8191918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeSLUSHER, ClayTroop H 15th CavalryFrance711918Peru Journalimage
Dr Meeker Busy In NY YMCA workYMCASMITH, C H Rev. NY1181918Peru Journalimage
Letters from YanksLetters HomeSMITH, Cletis W  11291918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918SMITH, FLoyd L Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeSMITH, GlennBase Hospital No 32France8291918Peru Journalimage
Another Peru Boy Sentenced for Ten Yearsdoughboys: insubordinationSMITH, WIlliam O  7101918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsSNOWBERGER, Levi  1111918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918SNYDER, John Robert Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Another Peru Boy Sentenced for Ten Yearsdoughboys: insubordinationSOMMERS, Harry  7101918Peru Journalimage
Peru Soldiers Given Ten Years in Prison Disobeyed Officersdoughboys: insubordinationSOMMERS, HarryBattery F 325th Field Artillery 6291918Peru Journalimage
Arrived Safely OverseasarrivedSONAFRANK, Sherman  1181918Peru Journalimage
Moses SOPHER EnlistsEnlistingSOPHER, Moses Jefferson Barracks, MO811918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsSPAULDING, Frank  1111918Peru Journalimage
Will they use these grips to hold an Enfield RifleSports: in the militarySPEAKER, Trisbaseball 8241918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeSTANSIFER, Grace  8301918Peru Journalimage
Arthur STeele to Training CampleavingSTEELE, Arthurmechanical deptFort Harrison, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeSTEGMAN, Irene  8301918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfSTEHLE  6281918Peru Journalimage
Letter From Peruvian Now in IrelandLetters HomeSTELL, George  7291918Peru Journalimage
Letter From Peruvian Now in IrelandLetters HomeSTELL, George  7291918Peru Journalimage
Sammy's lettersLetters HomeSTEWART, Wallace  8221918Peru Journalimage
These Champions Aid Red Cross with Golf MatchesRed Cross: fundraisersSTIRLING, Alexa  811918Peru Journalimage
Arrived Safely OverseasarrivedSTIVER, Ida Peru, IN8311918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesSTONEMAN, Walter Willet Mexico, IN8121918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSTOUT, Elizabeth  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSTOUT, Elizabeth  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSTOUT, Elizabeth  9161918Peru Journalimage
Elbert W Shirk Dies Suddenly at PasadenaobituariesSTOUT, Elizabeth  9161918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsSTRAYER, W H Elkhart, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsSTRODE, Donald P  1111918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsSTUBER, George  1111918Peru Journalimage
Organization Formed of War MothersWomen: War MothersSTUTESMAN, FM Mrs.  11201918Peru Journalimage
Peru Tells of Indiana Folks in WashingtonLetters HomeSTUTESMAN, Frank M Peru, IN881918Peru Journalimage
Peru Men Leave for Camp Grant Tuesday MornLeft 3 September 1918SULLIVAN, George E, Jr Camp Grant, IL931918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeSULLIVAN, Georgia  8301918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeSULLIVAN, Helen  8301918Peru Journalimage
Letters from YanksLetters HomeSULLIVAN, John  11251918Peru Journalimage
Selected Men Instructed by County BoardHammond quotaSUTTON, Jesse  8211918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsSWEET, Austin Wabash, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesSWOVERLAND, Andrew  881918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesSWOVERLAND, Martha  881918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918TAIT, David Laverne  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918TAIT, David Laverne  7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918TAIT, David Laverne Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Colored NotesFarewell to soldiersTAYLOR, Alex  8251918Peru Journalimage
Private William Holland Victim of Influenza at Camp Taylordoughboys: gold starsTHAYER, Walter Mrs.  10131918Peru Journalimage
Chaplin Arnold May Visit Peru Next weekVisitTHOENNES, Frank Mrs.  891918Peru Journalimage
Pioneer Citizen Dies MondayobituariesTILLETT, J H Mrs.  10141918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918TRACY, Vivian Oscar  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918TRACY, Vivian Oscar  7181918Peru Journalimage
Search For Missing Cashier of Defunct Amboy State Bank Continued FridayFinancials: Defunct BankTRASS,  10111918Peru Journalimage
Edward Gaffrey of this county makes supreme sacrificeDoughboys: Gold starsTRASS, J H Mrs.  8121918Peru Journalimage
Letter Received From SOldier who lost LifeLetters HomeTRASS, J H Mrs.  8201918Peru Journalimage
Letter Received From SOldier who lost LifeLetters HomeTRASS, J H Mrs.  8201918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesTRIPPEER, Kittie E  811918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesTRIPPEER, Richard  811918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesTRIPPEER, Richard  811918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfTUDOR  6281918Peru Journalimage
no titletripTURNER, G M  811918Peru Journalimage
Selected Men Instructed by County Boardfailed to appearTYLER, Phillip  8211918Peru Journalimage
PersonalshomeULERY, Thomas  8301918Peru Journalimage
Home from LouisvilleDoughboys: visitorsUNDERWOOD, Lyman Camp Taylor, KY8221918Peru Journalimage
Captain Noel Unger and Lieutenant "Dick" Howard are in FranceoverseasUNGER, John  9111918Peru Journalimage
Peru Industry Is Successful With US ContractsProgress: refrigerationUNGER, John F  8311918Peru Journalimage
Captain Noel Unger and Lieutenant "Dick" Howard are in FranceoverseasUNGER, Noel  9111918Peru Journalimage
Captain Noel Unger and Lieutenant "Dick" Howard are in FranceoverseasUNGER, NoelCaptain Co C 334th Infantry 84th Lincoln DivisionFrance9111918Peru Journalimage
Arrived Safely OverseasarrivedVAN BUREN, Ernest  1181918Peru Journalimage
Arrived Safely OverseasarrivedVAN BUREN, HarlinEngineers Corps 1181918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfVANCE  6271918Peru Journalimage
Three Peru Boys in Recent BattleLetters HomeVANGILDER, EverettEngineers CorpFrance11251918Peru Journalimage
Three Peru Boys in Recent BattleLetters HomeVANGILDER, John  11251918Peru Journalimage
Dr and Mrs. Harry Nyce Accompany Lieutenant Nyce to LogansportvisitVIRGUS, Mildred  8281918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsWAGNER, M L  1111918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918WAGONER, WIlliam J Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsWAIT, J W Wabash, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsWAITE, J C  8231918Peru Journalimage
Robinson Circus Has Slight Accident enroute to PeruCircus: RobinsonWALLACE, B E  10111918Peru Journalimage
Coop and Lent Circus Stock Brought hereCircus: Wallace WinterquartesWALLACE, Bernard L  8221918Peru Journalimage
Letters from YanksLetters HomeWAMPLER,  11251918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsWARD, J O Peru, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsWARD, J O Dr  8231918Peru Journalimage
Lieutenant E S Waymire Has been stationed at Camp Dodge, DesMoinesService: doctorWAYMIRE, E S Denver, IN931918Peru Journalimage
Lieutenant E S Waymire Has been stationed at Camp Dodge, DesMoinesService: doctorWAYMIRE, Lieut. Camp Dodge, IA931918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsWELCH, Charles F  1111918Peru Journalimage
Peru Men Leave for Camp Grant Tuesday MornLeft 3 September 1918WELLS, Atty T Camp Grant, IL931918Peru Journalimage
Peru Golfers Beat Kokomosports: golfWEST  6281918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918WEST, Leslie Cary  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918WEST, Leslie Cary  7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918WEST, Leslie Cary Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Organization Formed of War MothersWomen: War MothersWEST, Wm F Mrs.  11201918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918WHISTLER, Ernest L Roann, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918WHISTLER, Ernest L Roann, IN7181918Peru Journalimage
Private Charles Bohn Victim of Influenza at Camp Taylordoughboys: gold starsWHITEZEL, John Washington Township10111918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsWHITEZEL, John W  1111918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsWHITTNER, John Mt Aetna, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsWILDMAN, Russell J  1111918Peru Journalimage
Peru Boy Gives Life on Battle Field of Francedoughboys: gold starsWILEY, Arthur Mrs. Cedarburg, WI931918Peru Journalimage
Official Figures of Peru Township VoteElectionsWILHELM, Jacob  11121918Peru Journalimage
Colored Folk Entertainment at Moose HallDoughboys: departure celebrationWILKINS, Wm  8241918Peru Journalimage
Colored Folk Entertainment at Moose HallDoughboys: departure celebrationWILKINS, Wm  8241918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsWILLIAMS, AB Dora, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
A Box from Homewar cartoonWILLIAMS, Gaar  8101918Peru Journalimage
Selected Men Instructed by County Boardfailed to appearWILLIAMS, James  8211918Peru Journalimage
Letters from SammiesLetters HomeWILLIAMS, M R CCapt 125th Infantry 9261918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsWILSON, Edward L  1111918Peru Journalimage
LettersLetters HomeWILSON, ErnestCo C 50th Trans Corps AEFFrance11131918Peru Journalimage
LettersLetters HomeWILSON, ErnestCo C 50th Trans Corps AEFFrance11131918Peru Journalimage
Pioneer Citizen Dies MondayobituariesWILSON, ET Mrs.  10141918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesWILSON, Harrison  8191918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesWILSON, Henry Peru, IN8191918Peru Journalimage
Colored NotesFarewell to soldiersWILSON, James  8251918Peru Journalimage
Selected Men Instructed by County BoardDraft: instructions before leavingWILSON, James Fort Dodge, Iowa8211918Peru Journalimage
DeathsobituariesWILSON, Perry Montana8191918Peru Journalimage
Armistice is Granted and Allies Dictators of PeaceDraft: selectionWILSON, Woodrow  9301918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918WITT, William F  7181918Peru Journalimage
Boys Who WIll Leave For Camp Taylor TuesdayLeaving 23 July 1918WITT, William F  7181918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Quota of Men Enroute SouthLeaving 23 July 1918WITT, WIlliam F Camp Taylor, KY7231918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsWOLF, Charles  1111918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsWOLF, George W  1111918Peru Journalimage
Joe Litchell Badly Hurt at Malone, NYCircus: Robinson SHowWOLFE, Charles Peru, IN851918Peru Journalimage
Public Salepublic saleWOLFE, John A  8191918Peru Journalimage
Noted Golfers Will Play HereRed Cross: golf exhibtion matchWOOD, Warren  6291918Peru Journalimage
Selected Men Instructed by County Boardalready leftWOODS, France8211918Peru Journalimage
Peru Man Named to Head 118th IND VolunteersReunion: Civil War vetsWORDEN. Darwin Peru, IN8231918Peru Journalimage
How some of our Sportsmen are doing their bit for USSports: in the militaryWRENN, Bobfootball 8221918Peru Journalimage
Democratic/Republican TicketElectionsYOUNCE, George  1111918Peru Journalimage
Letters from YanksLetters HomeYOUNG, CarlMotor Ambulance Co 36 AEFFrance1181918Peru Journalimage
Colored Folk Entertainment at Moose HallDoughboys: departure celebrationYOUNG, James  8241918Peru Journalimage
Prominent Man Expires After Long IllnessobituariesZEARN, Caroline  891918Peru Journalimage
Peru Men Leave for Camp Grant Tuesday MornLeft 3 September 1918ZEHRING, George Camp Grant, IL931918Peru Journalimage
A Little Pill - Now Eat it, Billpolitical cartoon  6281918Peru Journalimage
Airplanes Carrying 100 Persons in SIghtProgress: Airplanes   8101918Peru Journalimage
American Artillery at the Frontphotographs: front   831918Peru Journalimage
American Troops May Be Used for Vast Smac Along Line Near German Borderfront page - Registration date   8311918Peru Journalimage
Aviation Hat Gives HeightFashion: hats   8211918Peru Journalimage
Aviation Hat Gives HeightFashion: hats   8211918Peru Journalimage
Balmy Bennycartoon  10181918Peru Journalimage
Balmy Bennycartoon  10281918Peru Journalimage
Balmy Bennycartoon  10311918Peru Journalimage
Balmy Bennycartoon  10311918Peru Journalimage
Balmy Bennycartoon  1111918Peru Journalimage
Balmy Bennycartoon  11211918Peru Journalimage
Better Be Careful Old Boypolitical cartoon  6281918Peru Journalimage
Blind Man's Buffpolitical cartoon  8231918Peru Journalimage
Bringing Home the Baconpolitical cartoon  821918Peru Journalimage
Brothers in Armspolitical cartoon  8311918Peru Journalimage
By Dawn's Early Lightpolitical cartoon  8241918Peru Journalimage
Call for KitsRed Cross: knitters Nead Red Cross ladies 811918Peru Journalimage
Card of Thankspolitical cartoon  7191918Peru Journalimage
Change in Thrift Stampspolitical cartoon  7121918Peru Journalimage
Clown Prince Now Leads His Troopspolitical cartoon  8261918Peru Journalimage
Crossing the Pond with the Yankswar cartoon   891918Peru Journalimage
Crossing the Pond with the Yankswar cartoon   8101918Peru Journalimage
Dinant Has Been Oppressed of OldEuropean History: Dinant   1141918Peru Journalimage
Doings of the Duffscartoon   10141918Peru Journalimage
Dove of Peacepolitical cartoon  1171918Peru Journalimage
Draft Horse Nightmarepolitical cartoon  9241918Peru Journalimage
Draft Quote For Miami County for month of July will be fiftyDraft  Camp Taylor, KY7161918Peru Journalimage
EditorialsRed Cross: Nurses   8101918Peru Journalimage
Elephants Take Walk and Scare the FolksCircus: loose elephants   8241918Peru Journalimage
First PIcture of the Americans' St Mihiel Offensivewar: photo   10181918Peru Journalimage
Forward Marchpolitical cartoon  8191918Peru Journalimage
Franco-Belgian Border will be new battlelinewar: map   10111918Peru Journalimage
Freckles and his Friendscartoon  891918Peru Journalimage
Freckles and his Friendscartoon  8111918Peru Journalimage
Freckles and his Friendscartoon  8121918Peru Journalimage
Freckles and his Friendscartoon  8301918Peru Journalimage
Freckles and His Friendscartoon  10131918Peru Journalimage
Freckles and his Friendscartoon  - Oct19181918Peru Journalimage
Full Speed Aheadpolitical cartoon  7161918Peru Journalimage
He's Outpolitical cartoon  8291918Peru Journalimage
Here's Kind of Place Peru May Have as Air Mail LandingAviation   1241918Peru Journalimage
His Big Job Todaypolitical cartoon  11201918Peru Journalimage
How our Army is Organizeddrawing   8211918Peru Journalimage
John Robinson Circus Here for WinterCircus: Flu   10141918Peru Journalimage
Julius Falk's New Boys' Clothin Deptadvertisement: clothing   7241918Peru Journalimage
Keep Your Eye on the Nailpolitical cartoon  1091918Peru Journalimage
Line of March for Labor Day is Arrangedparade order   8301918Peru Journalimage
Miami County Registration List CompleteDraft: registration numbers   9141918Peru Journalimage
Miami County's Vote as Now of recordElections   1191918Peru Journalimage
Mississinewa ClubRed Cross: golf exhibtion match   721918Peru Journalimage
Mr Hooverpolitical cartoon  791918Peru Journalimage
Nead Red Cross CircleRed Cross: comfort Kits  Nead8211918Peru Journalimage
No German Language is Peru Schoolspolitical cartoon  991918Peru Journalimage
Nother Dog Has Seen HIs Daypolitical cartoon  8271918Peru Journalimage
NoticeHoliday closings   721918Peru Journalimage
On His Mindpolitical cartoon   11211918Peru Journalimage
Outbursts of Everett Truecartoon   8301918Peru Journalimage
Over the Alps Lies Austriapolitical cartoon  711918Peru Journalimage
Over There With the Yankswar cartoonGROVE, Roy  8251918Peru Journalimage
Over There With the Yankswar cartoonGROVE, Roy  8291918Peru Journalimage
Over There with the YanksWar cartoonGROVE, Roy France10181918Peru Journalimage
Over There with the YanksWar cartoonGROVE, Roy France10181918Peru Journalimage
Over There with the YanksWar cartoonGROVE, Roy  10281918Peru Journalimage
Over There with the YanksWar cartoonGROVE, Roy  10311918Peru Journalimage
Peru Wreck Train Called to Adjust an Upset Box Carrailroad: wreck   10311918Peru Journalimage
Pop and Us Have Registeredpolitical cartoon  9121918Peru Journalimage
Prisoner's Eats For a Weekpolitical cartoon  751918Peru Journalimage
Quarantine not raisedHealth: Flu   10311918Peru Journalimage
Salutephotos   8221918Peru Journalimage
Salutephotos   8221918Peru Journalimage
Salutephotos   8221918Peru Journalimage
Salutephotos   8221918Peru Journalimage
Salutephotos   8221918Peru Journalimage
Salutephotos   8221918Peru Journalimage
Santa Goes Over the Top Earlypolitical cartoon  10101918Peru Journalimage
Send the Yanks Phonograph records - Music Makes the Trenches CheerfulDoughboys: life in the trenches   10301918Peru Journalimage
Services of Boy Scouts Aked Helping Gov'tRed Cross: Boy Scouts: collecting pits/shells   9161918Peru Journalimage
She Deserves the HonorWar Mothers   7111918Peru Journalimage
Social a SuccessChurch social   811918Peru Journalimage
Spirit of Americapolitical cartoon  9271918Peru Journalimage
Spread of Influenza Causes State Halth Officers to close all public schoolsHealth: Flu   1071918Peru Journalimage
Take an Inventory of Your Golf Supplies, Have you any to Spare?Troops: recreation   10181918Peru Journalimage
Teasin' Himpolitical cartoon   9141918Peru Journalimage
Tell it to the MarinettesWomen: in the service   931918Peru Journalimage
Than You can Talk Peacepolitical cartoon  9161918Peru Journalimage
The American Infantry to the Relief of FrenchWar: fresh troops   8251918Peru Journalimage
The American Porcupinepolitical cartoon  851918Peru Journalimage
The Answerpolitical cartoon  10311918Peru Journalimage
The Best Map of the American Drivewar: advancing troops   7221918Peru Journalimage
The Big Four of VictoryElections   11121918Peru Journalimage
The Empty Stockingpolitical cartoon  1241918Peru Journalimage
The End of A Perfect Sundaypolitical cartoon  8301918Peru Journalimage
The Great American Homecartoon   9161918Peru Journalimage
The New District Messengerpolitical cartoon  7291918Peru Journalimage
The Real AngelsDrawing   11161918Peru Journalimage
The Scarecrow That didn't scarepolitical cartoon  8151918Peru Journalimage
The Spirit of Joan Callspolitical cartoon  811918Peru Journalimage
To Discontinue all "farewells" via the windowsTroop trains   8211918Peru Journalimage
Top o the Marne in Heinepolitical cartoon  7221918Peru Journalimage
Tramp! Tramp! Tramp!political cartoon  881918Peru Journalimage
Unconditional Surrender of Bulgaria. Armistice is Grantedfront page   9301918Peru Journalimage
Vigilance Committe VindicatedVigilance Committee   8271918Peru Journalimage
War GardenFood: Gardening   851918Peru Journalimage
War Gardenspolitical cartoon   5241918Peru Journalimage
War Savings Stamp Sales in Miami CountyLiberty Loan: stamps   891918Peru Journalimage
War Trophies to be Shown in this cityWar: Train Car exhibit   9261918Peru Journalimage
Welcome News to Farmers in this StateFarming   8231918Peru Journalimage
What is AmericaAmerican spirit   1241918Peru Journalimage
When Johnny Comes Marching Home to Motherpolitical cartoon  1171918Peru Journalimage
Women Keep the Home Fires Burning in Munition PlantsWomen: workplace   8241918Peru Journalimage
Women Keep the Home Fires Burning in Munition PlantsWomen: workplace   8241918Peru Journalimage
Women Learn War EfficiencyWomen: war efficiency   7161918Peru Journalimage
Yanks Taught how to Carry Wounded MenRed Cross: training troops   8211918Peru Journalimage
Your Son's Life or a New SuitLiberty Loan: reticence   8221918Peru Journalimage
political cartoon  791918Peru Journalimage
Doings of the Duffscartoon  6251918Peru Journalimage
Doings of the Duffscartoon  811918Peru Journalimage
Doings of the Duffscartoon  891918Peru Journalimage
Doings of the Duffscartoon  8121918Peru Journalimage
Doings of the Duffscartoon  9271918Peru Journalimage
Doings of the Duffscartoon  10291918Peru Journalimage
Doings of the Duffscartoon  1111918Peru Journalimage
Doings of the Duffscartoon  1131918Peru Journalimage
The Great American Homepolitical cartoon  7251918Peru Journalimage
The Great American Homepolitical cartoon  831918Peru Journalimage
The Great American Homecartoon  9101918Peru Journalimage
The Great American Homepolitical cartoon  - Oct19181918Peru Journalimage