WILLIAM T. BUTLER, ex-sheriff of Fulton county, and a
leading and influential citizen of Rochester, is so well and favorably
known throughout this section of the state that he needs no special
introduction to our readers. A native son of Indiana, he was born
in Miami county, June 7, 1839, a son of William and Nancy E.
(Meek) Butler, the former a native of Georgia, and the latter of
Rockingham county, Pa. They were descended from Irish stock,
and after their marriage located in Indiana. They removed from
Henry county to Miami county, and in 1843 became residents of
Fulton county, where two years later the father died. The mother
afterward married Minor Allen, and her death occurred in Fulton,
in 1862, when she had reached the age of forty-five years. The children were: W. T., John W., of Miami county, and Sarah, who died
in childhood. William T. Butler spent his boyhood days upon his
father's farm and acquired his education in a primitive log school
house, such as is found on the frontier, where the school was conducted on the subscription plan. When a youth of fourteen he
began learning the blacksmith's trade in Fulton. Ind., under the
direction of Norman L. Sterns, and on completing his apprenticeship went to Middletown, Henry county, where he carried on
business on his own account. While there residing he was married,
Dec. 28, 1859, to Catherine Phillips, who was bom in Augusta
county, Va., July 4, 1837, a daughter of David and Nancy (Weeks)
Phillips, of the Old Dominion. Mr. and Mrs. Butler's living children are: Warren J., who for fourteen years was deputy sheriff of
Fulton county and is now in Toledo, Ohio: Minor A., also of Toledo;
Mary, wife of George Black, of Rochester; Winona, wife of John
Hoover, of Rochester; and Nellie. In 1871 Mr. Butler engaged in
farming in Liberty township, and profitably and uninterruptedly
continued that pursuit until 1880, when his fellow citizens, appreciating his worth and ability, called him from private life to public
office. Against seven competitors he received the nomination for
sheriff, and in November was elected to that office, despite the opposition of the saloon element of his own party and the presence of
two other candidates in the field. His administration of the affairs
of the office was most commendable. The evil doer expected no
mercy at his hands and he filled the jail with criminals of all classes
who had hitherto infested the county, bringing to punishment as
many as seven hundred during his term. So faithfully did he discharge his duties that he was re-elected by a larger majority than
was given him in 1880. He retired from office as he had entered it,
with the good will, respect and confidence of all law-abiding citizens.
before retiring from office Mr. Butler became interested in the hardware business as a partner of Mr. Stockberger, but he is now devoting his attention to business in connection with his farms. He is the possessor of considerable property acquired through his own efforts
and is accounted one of the substantial citizens of the community.
He is a valued member of the Masonic order and its auxiliary, the
Eastern Star; is in good standing in all branches of Odd Fellowship,
including the Rebecca lodge, and has membership with the order of
Red Men of the Tribe of Pocahontas. His own life is exemplary in the
fidelity with which he has discharged every duty, either public or
private, and no man in Fulton county is held in more genuine
esteem than William T. Butler.