Captain Fred D. Ballon entered the service of the Indiana
National Guard at Marion, Indiana, on March 1, 1892. Under
the then existing laws, the life of a company was but three
years, and when it was up the company had to be born again,
consequently Company A, of the Fourth Regiment, I. N. G.,
was reorganized on that date for another three years' service.
He was mustered as a private, appointed a corporal on the
same date, served as a corporal during the camp of instruction at Frankfort, Indiana, in 1892. In November, 1892, he
was appointed a sergeant, and February, 1893, orderly sergeant. On April 1, 1893, he was elected second lieutenant
of the company, which office was held two and a half years.
He attended the camp of instruction at Terre Haute and Indi-
anapolis during each subsequent year. On December 11, 1895,
Company A was reorganized under the militia laws of 1894,
and he was elected captain, which position was held until the
call to arms April 26, 1898. He proceeded to Indianapolis
with 100 men, of which the necessary number was accepted
to complete a company as required for the volunteer service.
He was mustered into the United States Volunteers on May
12, 1898, at Camp Blount, as captain in the One Hundred and
Sixtieth Indiana, and served with this organization until
muster out of the regiment, April 25, 1899, at Savannah,
Georgia. He was ranking captain of the Second Battalion of
the regiment, and as such served as acting major of the bat-
talion for two months, during various absences of the com-
manding officer.
He was born at Peru, Indiana, November 24, 1868, and
lived at Logansport a greater portion of the time until 1889,
when he removed to Marion. He attended schools and nor-
mal college and Avorked at various positions until March, 1892,
when he accepted a clerical positon in the treasurer's office
of the Marion Branch, National Home for Disabled Volunteer
Soldiers, at which place he is still employed. During his
absence in the service, this position was held open. Previous
to leaving for Indianapolis in 1898, he was presented with a
gold-mounted sword and belt, by the officers and clerical force
of the home. This sword was the finest in the regiment and
was carried during the entire year, and is highly prized by its
owner. He served in the various camps of the One Hundred
and Sixtieth Regiment at Chattanooga, and Chickamauga
Park; Newport News, Virginia: Lexington, Kentucky; Columbus, Georgia; Matanzas, Cuba, and Savannah, Georgia. He
was loyal to superior officers, and did his best to secure
proper discipline and training of officers and men. He was
placed on the retired list of the Indiana National Guard April
1, 1900.